Sync your windows time with an External Time Source
The systems in my development network were always behind by 5 minutes. I corrected the time on my domain server and my workstation every once in a while, but it would eventually go back to being a few minutes late. I didn't mind much when I didn't have meetings to go to, but every once in a while, I do have meetings. I always found myself scrambling even more because my inaccurate system time. So, I found this article on configuring your windows time service. The above article is the best article I found regarding syncing windows time. Summarily, it states that the windows time service was set up to ensure your systems have synchronized times. Time can be synched with an internal hardware clock or external source. In a domain environment, time is synched with domain controllers in the domain and subdomains. In a standalone environment, with Windows 7, you can configure...