PowerShell Script to install MOSS 2013 solution packages
I wrote a script that will completely remove and then deploy a solution package in MOSS2013 with compatibility level set to All. This ensures that the solution package files are installed onto both the 14 and 15 hive. The script will wait until the solution is uninstalled before reinstalling the package. Then, it will continuously check the deployment status, until the solution shows up as deployed. PowerShell Script for installing MOSS 2013 Solution Package: Add-PSSnapin 'Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell'; [void][System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("Microsoft.SharePoint") ################################################################################### # Function to display the solution status of a solution package repeatedly until it reaches the end state # EndStates: NotDeployed, GlobalAndWebApplicationDeployed #################################################################################### Function DisplaySolutionStatusUntilEndSta...