Use PowerShell to Access ListItems via SharePont 2013 REST

#Function to access SharePoint List Items via REST

function Get-ListItemsREST


param($siteurl, $listName);

$url = ($siteurl + "/_api/web/lists/getByTitle('" + $listName + "')/items");

$cookies = New-Object System.Net.CookieContainer;

$request = [System.Net.WebRequest]::Create($url);


$request.CookieContainer = $cookie;

#this header was what I had been missing for on premises authentication




$stream = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader($response.GetResponseStream());

$responsestring = $stream.ReadToEnd();

[xml]$xmlresponse = $responsestring;

return $xmlresponse.feed.entry;



$listitems = Get-ServerList -siteurl "https://spsiteurl/" -listName "Announcements"

foreach ($item in $listitems)






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