Troubleshooting SharePoint 2013 Service Bus and Workflow Manager
Trouble Shooting SB and WF
The Windows Event Logs actually have application Event logs for SB
and WF that you can use for troubleshooting.
Windows Event Viewer -> Application and Service Logs
-> Microsoft-Workflow
Windows Event Viewer -> Application and Service Logs
-> Microsoft-ServiceBus
Most everything installed ok, except at the very end when it gave me a cryptic error that it wasn't able to do the last step of adding the workflow as a host.
Fortunately, the Workflow config wizard shows you the PowerShell commands that it was attempting, and I discovered it was erroring out on the last command in the script which was to Add-WFHost.
I had attempted to use one SAN certificate for Encryption and
SSL, and another for Workflow Outbound communications.
So one of the first things, I needed to do was to ensure that the service bus was using the load balanced farm dns name for my workflow service.
For the ServiceBus settings, after setting up my farm, I had to set the Farm DNS Name using the following command:
Set-SBFarm -FarmDNS spworkflow.domainname
#If you have multiple hosts, run the Update-SBHost on each host
For a NLB situation, it turns out that the service
bus certificates may not support multiple SAN entries. Therefore, it won’t work when you have
multiple SAN entries in the cert.
From Windows Event Viewer -> Application and Service Logs
-> Microsoft-Workflow -> Admin log, I saw an error along these lines:
Could not successfully send message to scope ‘/WF_Management’ despite multiple
retries over a timespan of …..
The details of the error specified:
The expected DNS identity
of the remote endpoint was [farm dns name], but the remote endpoint provided DNS
claim ‘[servername01]’. If this is a
legitimate endpoint, you can fix the problem by explicitly specifying DNS identity
‘servername01’ as the identity property of the EndPointAddress when creating
channel proxy.
The SAN cert, I was using had the farm dns name and the dns names of each server in the farm. The workflow was verifying the certificate based on the DNS SAN for one of the servernames instead of the farm dns name.
So, I wound up using a single DNS SAN with only the farm
dns name for the service bus farm cert, service bus Encryption cert, and workflow
encryption cert.
I was getting Workflow front end errors indicating the servername endpoint and
cert didn’t match.
So, I changed the Workflow SSL cert to use the multiple server SAN cert which
contained all servers in the farm as well as the farm dns name.
Once that was done, I ran Remove-WFHost, and re-ran the Add-WFHost command with parameters from the PowerShell script from the config wizard.
Microsoft Knowledge Base Archive (
If all else fails, you can always start a new by uninstalling and reconfiguring a fresh Workflow Manager setup. I actually did this once, and on the second attempt I was going to do this again and simply use the default non-CA signed certs, but decided to try a few troubleshooting steps before wiping out what I had gotten setup thus far. Using the Powershell commands available for ServiceBus and Workflow, and the logs, I was able to resolve my issues.
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