
Showing posts from 2022

Troubleshooting SharePoint 2013 Service Bus and Workflow Manager

Trouble Shooting SB and WF The Windows Event Logs actually have application Event logs for SB and WF that you can use for troubleshooting. Windows Event Viewer -> Application and Service Logs -> Microsoft-Workflow Windows Event Viewer -> Application and Service Logs -> Microsoft-ServiceBus That being said, those logs are where you'll find clues as to what is going wrong when things aren't working in your setup.   Recently, I was setting up a new SP2013 Workflow farm and had to make use of those log files to get my Service Bus and Workflows started using CA generated certificates. Most everything installed ok, except at the very end when it gave me a cryptic error that it wasn't able to do the last step of adding the workflow as a host.  Fortunately, the Workflow config wizard shows you the PowerShell commands that it was attempting, and I discovered it was erroring out on the last command in the script which was to Add-WFHost. I had attempted to use on...

Use PowerShell to Access ListItems via SharePont 2013 REST

#Function to access SharePoint List Items via REST function Get-ListItemsREST { param($siteurl, $listName); $url = ($siteurl + "/_api/web/lists/getByTitle('" + $listName + "')/items"); $cookies = New-Object System.Net.CookieContainer; $request = [System.Net.WebRequest]::Create($url); $request.Method="GET"; $request.CookieContainer = $cookie; #this header was what I had been missing for on premises authentication $request.Headers.Add("X-FORMS_BASED_AUTH_ACCEPTED","f"); $request.UseDefaultCredentials=$true; $response=$request.GetResponse(); $stream = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader($response.GetResponseStream()); $responsestring = $stream.ReadToEnd(); [xml]$xmlresponse = $responsestring; return $xmlresponse.feed.entry; } #SAMPLE USAGE $listitems = Get-ServerList -siteurl "https://spsiteurl/" -listName "Announcements" foreach ($item in $listitems) {     $item.content.Properties;    }

How to change your ADFS Service Account

 How to change your ADFS Service Account We had set up our original ADFS farm with a standard user account as the service account.   However, we wanted to change the account to a Group Managed Service Account (GMSA) instead. Unfortunately, there weren't any complete instructions on changing the ADFS account. Export-AdfsAuthenticationProviderConfigurationData Import-AdfsAuthenticationProviderConfigurationData I did manage to find the following great related articles: After reading the article from the site, I decided to give the change a shot in my dev environment.  Here are the notes I came up with: The error messages shown in the notes are from the [Event Viewer -> Application an...